Wednesday, August 30, 2006


New blogs for class

Well, we did it. It took a bit of time as some students couldn't log in but by the end of an hour almost everyone had created a blog and read my blog.
It was good to get some comments on my blog. One person mentioned they wanted more homework. This is good feedback for Anna and me. I hope you will all feel free to tell us things like this.
One of our themes for this week is food. Maybe we can go to a restaurant for lunch one day, or cook a meal together. Tell me what you'd like to do.

Today I am going to introduce my class to blogs. I hope that if everyone sets up a blog it's going to help them with various aspects of their English, eg writing, grammar, reading....
I haven't written anything since the weekend as I've been busy with my online course. I feel a bit behind with my work. Funny being a teacher and a student. Quite different roles.

Saturday, August 26, 2006


My first blog

Oh, it's not really my first blog, but it's my first blog here. I'm doing a course on emerging technologies and it seems to be that the best way to really learn about the application of these is to use them in the class I am teaching.
Well, if I want my students to start blogging, then I too, should write a blog. They can read mine and we can read each other's.
Why do I want my students to have a blog? First of all to see if they are useful tools in a language classroom. Secondly, to encourage them to write more frequently. Next, to encourage them to read (each other's blogs). Also, it's a way that we can communicate as a group. There are only eight students in the class so that's not too much to read.
When I see the class next, on Wednesday, we can go to the computer room and everyone can begin their blog.

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